Unraveling the Mysteries of Your Body

Discover insights into common conditions and our cutting-edge treatment strategies.

Lower Back Pain

Decoding the Discomfort:

Pain stemming from various factors, including herniated discs or sciatica.

Our Healing Touch:

Specialised exercises and innovative treatments to strengthen your back and alleviate pain.
NICE Guidelines on Low Back Pain

Neck Pain

Understanding the Pain:

Causes range from cervical radiculopathy to muscle strain.

Our Soothing Strategies:

Gentle, yet effective techniques to relieve pain and enhance posture.
NICE CKS on Neck Pain

Shoulder Injuries

Navigating Shoulder Issues:

Conditions like frozen shoulder or rotator cuff tendinopathy.

Our Comprehensive Care:

Tailored rehabilitation for improved shoulder health and functionality.
NICE CKS on Shoulder Pain

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What Is It?

A condition with symptoms like numbness and tingling in the hand, due to pressure on the median nerve.

Our Treatment:

Personalised therapy plans including exercises and ergonomic advice.
NICE Guidelines on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

De Quervain's Tenosynovitis

What Is It?

Painful condition affecting the tendons on the thumb side of the wrist.

Our Approach:

Custom treatments for pain relief and movement restoration.
Patient Information on De Quervain’s

Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)

What Is It?

Pain on the outside of the elbow, common with repetitive motion.

How We Help:

Rehabilitation including exercises and ergonomic adjustments.
NHS Overview of Tennis Elbow

Golfer's Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)

What Is It?

Inner elbow pain, typically from overuse.

Our Expertise:

Exercise programs and manual therapy for effective recovery.
Patient Information on Golfer's Elbow

TFCC (Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex) Injuries

What Are They?

Injuries to cartilage and ligaments in the wrist.

Our Specialised Care:

Treatments for healing and restoring wrist function.
Overview of Wrist Pain and Injuries


Unveiling the Challenge:

A common joint condition causing pain and limiting mobility.

Our Unique Solution:

Customised therapeutic approaches designed to enhance movement and ease discomfort.
NICE Guidelines on Osteoarthritis

Knee Injuries

Common Culprits:

ACL tears, meniscus injuries, runner's knee.

Our Tailored Tactics:

Personalised rehab plans blending physical therapy with the latest in treatment innovation.
Explore More

Ankle Sprains and Strains

Common Yet Complex:

Injuries impacting ligaments and muscles around the ankle.

Our Healing Approach:

Techniques to mitigate pain, restore mobility, and prevent future incidents.
Learn More

Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs)

Understanding RSIs:

Injuries from repetitive motion, often impacting wrists, elbows, and shoulders.

Our Responsive Care:

Ergonomic advice, targeted exercises, and therapy for symptom relief.
Dive Deeper

Sports-Related Injuries

Athletic Ailments Uncovered:

Various injuries common among athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

Our Sports-Specific Strategies:

Comprehensive assessments and tailored rehabilitation plans.
More Information

Groin Strains

Tackling Groin Strains:

Injuries common in sports with sudden direction changes or intense activity.

Our Effective Techniques:

Including FIFA's German adductor prehab technique.
NICE CKS on Sprains and Strains

Get In Touch

To learn about our services or schedule an appointment,
send us an email at: therapiesforlifeltd@gmail.com

or call us directly:



Direct Line:

+44 7437 331924


Occupational Therapist
Specialised in Hand Therapy

Direct Line:

+44 7506 051907